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正領國際教育發布時間:04-1115:57上海正培教育科技官方帳號答案絕對是不!雅思學術閱讀部分有三段很長的篇幅,隨著閱讀的進行,難度越來越大。這意味著,第一個要比第二個要容易一些,而最后一個要比第二個要困難一些。如果你在第一篇文章中花了太多時間(許多考試第一次就犯了這個錯誤),那么你很可能會考試時間快結束才能做到第三篇也就是最后一篇文章。因此,你不需要從頭至尾閱讀每一段。那你可能會問,如果我不閱讀全文,我該如何回答問題?要了解的兩個最重要的閱讀技能是skimming 和scanning。然后,你可以使用這些技能,不需要閱讀全文,就能夠有策略地回答雅思考試的學術問題。skimming也就是略讀,你并不是在尋找細節,而是在大致了解段落或段落的含義。以 “標題匹配”這種閱讀題型為例。瀏覽以下段落以找到每個段落的基本概念。這樣做將幫助你選擇正確的標題。Which paragraphs contains the following information?Write the correct letter A-Cnext to questions 1-3 belowList of headingsI. It’s all in the brainII. Dopamine and the brainIII. All about those nervesIV. Introversion vs. ExtroversionV. It’s an extrovert’s worldA. Many people enjoy swaying along to the music in a nightclub. For these extroverts, a night spent dancing and talking to friends is a fun evening. But for introverts, this is the stuff of nightmares. Small talk, dense crowds and loud music can be terrifying. Even partying at home with a group of friends, though fun, can be draining. Some people would much rather be tucked up in reading a book. This is a primary difference between extroverts who on the one hand who feel energised from stimulating environments and interaction, and introverts on the other hand who feel drained and low in energy as a result of such situations.B.Why do introverts and extroverts react so differently to the same situation? The answer has to do with some key differences in the way their brains are wired. One major difference between the brains of introverts and extroverts is related to their response to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical released in the brain that provides the motivation to seek external rewards like earning money or attracting a mate. It creates a sensation of pleasure as a reward for success in these endeavours. When dopamine floods the brain, both introverts and extroverts become more talkative and motivated to take risks. Introverts have the same quantity of dopamine present in their brains as extroverts. The difference is in the functioning of the dopamine which is more active in the brains of extroverts. Extroverts thrive on the dopamine-charged good feelings created when they engage the sympathetic side. Introverts rely more on a different neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Like dopamine, acetylcholine is linked to pleasure; the difference is that acetylcholine makes us feel good when we turn inward. It powers our abilities to think deeply and focus intensely on just one thing for a long period of time. It also helps explain why introverts like calm environments; it’s easier to turn inward when we’re not attending to external stimulation. When an introvert is lounging at home in quiet solitude, lost in a book or watching Netflix, they are basking in the pleasant effects of acetylcholineC.Another piece of the introvert-extrovert puzzle has to do with the nervous system. Both introverts and extroverts use both sides of their nervous systems at different times, just like they use both neurotransmitters. But extroverts tend to favour the opposite side of the nervous system; the sympathetic side, known as the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ system. This side mobilises us to discover new things and makes us active, daring, and inquisitive. The brain becomes alert and hyper-focused on its surroundings. Blood sugar and free fatty acids are elevated to give us more energy, and digestion is slowed. Thinking is reduced, and we become prepared to make snap decisions.1,A節2,B節3,C節VI. 無需詳細閱讀整個文章,而只是瀏覽一下,我就能了解到A段比較了性格外向的人與性格內向的人的區別,因此標題“ Introversion vs. Extroversion(內向與外向)(iv)”將是最合適的標題。我還可以看到,B部分的前幾句話提到了大腦和大腦化學,因此我可以放心地假設標題“ It’s all in the brain(i)”將最好地體現該段落的主要思想。最后,C節提到了神經系統。在標題(iii)中,“All about those nerves”最能概括該想法。請記住,段落標題是該段落的摘要。A(iv)節B(i)節C節(iii)略讀的另一個重要原因是沒有時間閱讀整篇文章,而略讀會讓我們熟悉該文章以及信息所在的位置。這很重要,因為尋找問題的答案時,我們就知道在哪里尋找!

關鍵字標籤:2020 IELTS雅思測驗時間

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