Daniel工坊發布時間:19-11-0321:51先容我吐槽一句,怎么又是靜態柱圖,上一場就是啊。今年怎么了?BC跟柱圖有殺父之仇?今天考完試微信被轟炸了,我閱覽著來自三省六道的奏折,深感民間疾苦。其中一位愛卿所言甚得我心:“圣上,這道題里的每個單詞我都認得,放在一起我愣是讀不懂呀。”我讀罷將奏折擲在了龍案一角,一聲嘆息:“唉,道出了不知多少百姓的心聲。”不扯犢子了,看一看題:The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on the same job or same conditions of work for life. Discuss the possible causes for this rapid change and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future? 譯文:工作的環境高速地變化著,而人們也不再能靠著同一份工作或同樣的工作條件活一輩子。這是因為啥呢?為此人們在今后將如何為工作而準備呢?【一】這是一道典型的報告類題目。在Agree or Disagree和Discuss & Give類的題目中,話題必然是觀點;而在利弊類和報告類中,話題則是現象。拆解題目:話題:the changing world of work 關鍵詞:not the same job or same conditions of work for life寫作任務:causes & suggestions 各位大哥大姐們,您再看看我的譯文。for life是個固定的短語搭配,漢語意思是“終生”,并不是為了生活、生計。有好幾位老鐵考完之后自告奮勇地告訴我,這題說的是靠一份工作維持生計太難了。咋的?你還要搞副業唄?下班之后半夜開黑車?周末去網吧兼職網管?你咋不上天呢?氣得我一口老血噴出三丈多高。【二】關于報告的開頭段寫作,我敢打賭,八成往上的人寫出來的是不合格的。背景句我倒是放心的。回答問題(thesis statement)那句話各位都是怎么寫的?是不是有人套用了類似的句子?如:In this essay, I will state some causes and related solutions. (錯)There are some possible reasons behind this phenomenon.(錯)一定記牢,你要用觀點回答問題。上面的套句能體現出觀點嗎?考官讀完之后能大概了解你主體段要寫的原因可能涉及到什麼嗎?這樣的套句會被考官視為“廢話”,更嚴重的是會折損你的TR(Task Response)分數。你要呈現給考官的是如下方式的回答:In my opinion, this issue is closely associated with ( ),( ) and ( ),and I will also state some relevant potential measures.(對)【三】當我們正確理解題目之后再去思考觀點,會發現這道題的觀點并不難啊。為什麼同一份工作沒法干到老了?科技的進步the advance of technology:It is becoming increasingly common that many industries are updated or substituted and that many positions are not needed any more. A typical case in point is that the introduction of artificial intelligence to some industries is taking the positions of workers and leading to the loss of hundres of thousands of jobs. 【四】又有哪些應對措施呢?提前的思想,有所遠見:People had better realize that nobody can achieve absolute certainty and stability by engaging in the same job. A forward-looking vision for the future enables individuals to make sensible decisions in choosing the right career and get fully prepared for unexpected circumstances.不斷學習,自我提升:It is suggested that they improve the capacity of continuous learning, either by self-study or by attending training courses, to acquire new knowledge and grasp new skills.